
What Is Centrophenoxine?

Centrophenoxine is one of the oldest and most well-researched nootropics on the market today. It’s used around the world for its ability to treat degenerative brain conditions, although it’s recently gained popularity for its ability to enhance cognition and improve overall brain health.

All of these qualities make Centrophenoxine one of the world’s most popular nootropics for mental performance. Today, Centrophenoxine is marketed under the name Lucidril. The compound itself is also known as Meclofenoxate.

Chemically speaking, Centrophenoxine is an “ester” of dimethylethanolamine (DMAE). In fact, Centrophenoxine is to DMAE like Alpha GPC is to choline: a supplement that enhances the absorption of another compound by using a secondary active molecule. Thus, Centrophenoxine carries all of the benefits of DMAE, but is able to deliver them in a more effective way due to the increased bioavailability.

Centrophenoxine Review

Centrophenoxine was first developed in 1959 at the French Scientific Research Centre. To put that date into perspective, the world’s first racetam (Piracetam), was developed five years later in 1964. In any case, Centrophenoxine is supported by over 50 years of research in both scientific journals and clinical studies.

In 1986, for example, researchers tested Centrophenoxine/Meclofenoxate on a group of male albino rats. Rats received the same dose of Centrophenoxine for 7 consecutive days. Before taking Centrophenoxine, the rats performed a basic “shuttle-box” training test, including a staircase maze and other basic cognitive tests. After a 7 day cycle of Centrophenoxine, the rats showed “improved learning and retention”. Some of the rats received double the initial dose, and these rats demonstrated “significantly improved learning and retention.” Amazingly enough, these results continued to be shown after the 10th day, three days after the rats stopped taking Centrophenoxine.

Other studies have shown that Centrophenoxine, despite its powerful effects, is well-tolerated and demonstrates few significant side effects. One 2008 study involved 24 Chinese male subjects who compared 200mg of a Centrophenoxine formulation with a 200mg dose of a tablet formulation. The two formulations were found to be equal, and “both formulations were well-tolerated” with no reported side effects of any sort.

Ultimately, Centrophenoxine has a deep history of success in the medical and nootropic community. Few nootropics have been around as long as Centrophenoxine and few nootropics have the same amount of research reinforcing their results.

How Does Centrophenoxine Work?

One of the most interesting things about Centrophenoxine is that, despite all the research it’s received over the years, we still don’t know exactly how it works. But we know it does work.

The mechanisms of Centrophenoxine aren’t a total mystery. We know, for example, that Centrophenoxine is an acetylcholine precursor. It raises acetylcholine levels in the brain, which has been linked to improve memory retention and formation while also enhancing cognitive performance.

This is why Centrophenoxine is classified as a “cholinergic”: it targets the cholinergic system. The main debate with Centrophenoxine is how it targets the cholinergic system.

There are two schools of thought on this one:

  • Centrophenoxine may break down into choline after crossing the blood-brain barrier, after which the brain turns that choline into acetylcholine
  • Or, Centrophenoxine may be converted into a phospholipid after crossing the blood-brain barrier, after which it’s used to produce acetylcholine

So we don’t really know the pathway Centrophenoxine takes, but we do know it takes one of those pathways and ultimately affects the brain in a powerful way.

Regardless of which pathway it takes, Centrophenoxine is thought to enhance cognition in a few different parts of the brain. It’s thought to increase mental energy levels through increased oxygen uptake, for example, because Centrophenoxine improves blood flow in the brain.

We also know that Centrophenoxine acts as an antioxidant within the brain, targeting dangerous free radicals which contribute to mental aging. By flushing these toxins out of the brain, Centrophenoxine causes the brain to function more effectively.

Benefits of Centrophenoxine

Centrophenoxine is connected to a wide range of powerful benefits, including:

Improved Memory Formation: Centrophenoxine encourages cholinergic activity, raising acetylcholine levels in the brain and resulting in enhanced communication between neurons. When your neurotransmitters are more efficient, it improves your brain’s ability to absorb new information and transfer that information to our natural “storage” system.

Improved Brain Energy: Centrophenoxine increases blood flow (glucose) and oxygen intake within the brain. This has been shown to reduce mental fatigue because you’re providing more fuel to the brain. Our brain requires huge amounts of oxygen and nutrients, and when it doesn’t get those nutrients, we feel tired, unfocused, and cognitively weak.

Reduce The Effects Of Certain Degenerative Brain Conditions: When Centrophenoxine was first developed in the 1950s, it was designed as a treatment for Alzheimer’s, dementia, and other degenerative brain conditions. Current research is measuring the effects of Centrophenoxine on ADHD and other cognitive disorders.

Remove Lipofuscin From Brain Cells: Lipofuscin is a biochemical waste product that accumulates in cells throughout our bodies as we age. Lipofuscin is what’s responsible for skin marks, brown liver spots, and other problems. In the brain, Lipofuscin may be responsible for as much as one third of the overall volume of our cells, which can reduce healthy brain function over time.

Centrophenoxine actually reduces brain Lipofuscin by as much as 42% over just 8 weeks.

Ultimately, Centrophenoxine is a high-quality source of choline and acetylcholine. Like most cholinergics, it has powerful effects on your brain’s memory, but it also offers other powerful effects at the same time.

How to Use Centrophenoxine

Centrophenoxine is relatively easy to use and has been well-tolerated in the majority of studies performed thus far. Most users split their daily dose into two separate administrations, taking one in the morning and one in the early afternoon.

The recommended dose is 250mg taken twice per day. As you grow more experienced and tolerant of Centrophenoxine, you can increase that dose to as much as 1000mg total per day. Just like with any nootropic, start small and work your way up until you feel comfortable with the benefits and effects.

Centrophenoxine is particularly popular when used as a stack. It’s commonly stacked with Noopept, Piracetam, and Aniracetam, for example. These are popular stacks because they enhance the brain’s utilization of acetylcholine, while Centrophenoxine enhances the brain’s levels of acetylcholine, creating a positive feedback loop that can have considerably positive effects on memory and cognition – you also get to reduce the side effects of racetams, including headaches.

If you do plan on stacking Centrophenoxine with a racetam, the recommended dose is 2:1. For every 2 recommended racetam doses, take 1 Centrophenoxine dose. Ultimately, a stack will help these nootropics deliver benefits more quickly while also reducing painful side effects.

Centrophenoxine Side Effects

Centrophenoxine is considered to be a safe and well-tolerated supplement. Healthy adults should not experience any problems while taking this non-toxic compound. However, there is still a small possibility of developing some mild side effects.

Those side effects include headaches, irritability, dizziness, insomnia, and digestive issues. If you experience any of these issues, lower your Centrophenoxine dose and consult a physician as soon as possible. You should also consult a physician before taking Centrophenoxine – especially if you’re already taking medication.

Buying Centrophenoxine Supplements Online

Centrophenoxine is legal throughout most of the world. Even those it’s unregulated in the United States, Canada, and other countries, individuals can still legally import it for individual use.

Interestingly enough, DMAE is banned in some countries, although Centrophenoxine – which is an ester to DMAE – is legal.

Whether you’re buying Centrophenoxine as a stack or buying it for individual use, ordering online is your best option. Ordering Centrophenoxine lets you enjoy competitive pricing and a diverse selection. Many online stores will also let you bundle Centrophenoxine with other supplements to enjoy significant package discounts. The most popular brand name for Centrophenoxine is Lucidril, and you’re unlikely to find other Centrophenoxine supplements in-store or online.


  • By Gina


    How much for 1kg Centrophenoxine ? thanks

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